Thursday 28 May 2015

Business set up in dubai

In UAE, Dubai is one of the emirate and the most populous city.  By territorial size Dubai is the second largest emirate after the capital Abu Dhabi. Now it is one of the business centers of Middle East and South Asia. In Middle East, it is the most expensive city. Dubai is said to be the 22nd most expensive city in the world.
A business is an institution where some sort of trade and services takes place between one another for money. A business is not that much easy as working for ourselves or works which can be done from home. It needs certain skills like management and technical, of course finance too. You also need a good vision to succeed and grow. Though, a good selection of area is the factor of setting up a business, first you need is guts and passion towards your business. If you lack both these factors then it will be a waste of time and money.
UAE is a business center. Dubai is its commercial capital. Now a days, due to its economy which is very much favorable to people and its job opportunities, people are running towards this Arab country. UAE government has a very progressive and forward thinking policy. Also they encourage many investors from foreign countries to invest in their country. As Dubai is having a minimum taxation, it is a good place for setting up a business. The government of Dubai has a good plan which promotes and encourages the growing up of new businesses. Their business laws are very much favorable for investors. For an emerging business, an environment which is tax free is ideal.
It’s always exciting to open or plan a business overseas. But at the same time it is terrifying. The first step to be taken before doing a business are to choose the activities and type of business to be done, choose the correct legal form and the location. There are three categories into which a business falls into:
  • Professional
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
All your business activities should be clear for you, as there are many companies doing many activities under one license. You must be aware of your type of business, business activities, the owner’s nationality and the options of ownership before selecting your business’s legal form in Dubai. There are many types of legal forms. One of the most important factors of success in setting up a business or formation of a company is choosing a right location. Depending upon your type of business and activities the mainlands of Dubai and free zones have many advantages. Dubai’s mainland has some good business areas in the world like Sheik Zayed Road, Downtown Dubai, main highway of the city etc. You should register with Dubai Department of Economic Development if you choose the mainland of Dubai and they will issue a business license. Free zones are also good for doing business.
Before coming to free zone, what is a free zone?
They are special economic area established with an aim to offer tax free and free benefits of custom duty to foreign investors. There are more than 20 free zones in Dubai such as Media city, Dubai Airport Free zone, Dubai International Finance Centre and Jebel Ali Free Zone which is one of the largest ports in the world. These free zones have their own licensing body and for the process of license you have contact them directly. An important free zone which has to be discussed here is about the Sharjah Airport International Free Zone (SAIF). In UAE it is the first Airport International Free Trade Zone. It is built near to Sharjah International Airport. It also has an easy access to the ports of Gulf of Oman and Arabian Gulf. It is a leading cargo centre. It also offers good infrastructure and encouragement to make a business man’s dream come true.
The specialties of Dubai mainland and free zones is that for any type of businesses the employees need not pay business taxes or any personal taxes. The other specialties are: 100% ownership, allowed for owning properties, your business confidentiality is maintained, bank account are allowed to open, there is no restriction etc. Then you have to be aware about the rights of ownership. It can be different depending upon your business type and activities and also the location you choose for your business. When all these options are considered, now it is time for you to apply for the license of your business. Then you can start doing your business. The opportunity to start a business in Dubai should not be missed.
According to the surveys, most tourists visited Airport belongs to the Dubai Airport. Hence starting up a business is always a good option to consider upon market surveys. Since the rules and regulations of the country are flexible, this helps us in starting up a business easily. Since Dubai targets tourists and also major revenues are generated from the tourism, it is always advisable to start a business that attracts tourists. So setting up a business or forming a company in such a place is also just like a dream coming true. Never miss the opportunity. Try!!!

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